INK Tattoo 2022 Guidelines

When we are not at INK we are social distancing, wearing masks, washing our hands frequently, avoiding bars/restaurants and crowds, minimizing being indoors with people outside of our households, avoiding close contact with people who are ill, and disinfecting high-touch areas/objects. We ask that you are following the basic guidelines put out by the CDC, you can find them HERE.

If you cannot follow these guidelines, you will be asked to leave. Feel free to get tattooed somewhere else. We will not be offended.

We are following all of these precautions to help protect you as well as ourselves. We ask that you be respectful to us, our space, our loved ones and all the rest of our clients and their loved ones as well.

Health and safety guidelines have always been a huge part of our job and we take them very seriously! They are in place to make sure infection does not spread to us or our clients. We have added additional guidelines to continue this level of safety. 

·         If you: have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 within 10 days of your appointment, have not been following the CDC’s general precautions, do not want to follow our additional shop precautions, have a temperature of 100.4 or above, are showing any COVID/cold/flu symptoms we will not tattoo you. We will reschedule you for a later date after you have been cleared, or when we are no longer in a pandemic.

·         NO GUESTS.

·         NO WALK-INS.

·         MASKS ARE REQUIRED. N95 and KN95 masks encouraged. Two surgical masks, or a surgical mask under a fabric mask is also acceptable. We have some extra surgical masks if you only have one. Please be wearing your mask before you enter our shop.

·         The shop doors will remained locked to keep only us and our clients in the space.

·         We will let you into the shop at your appointment time. PLEASE DO NOT COME EARLIER THAN YOUR APPOINTMENT TIME. We have you scheduled at a certain time for a reason and we have extra cleaning to do between clients.

·         We will have you wash or sanitize your hands upon entering the shop. We will also have sanitize your phone, water bottle, or other items you’ll be using them during the session. Please do not bring any unnecessary items with you.

·         Do not touch anything that is not yours or that you don’t have permission to touch. Please stay in designated areas, and ask before putting your things anywhere or touching anything.

·         Please let us know as soon as possible if you need to reschedule. We understand things are complicated right now, and will not be offended if you need to reschedule for any reason.

·         If you develop symptoms within 7-14 days after your appointment, GET TESTED and please TELL US so we can also get tested.

·         We will be monitoring ourselves for signs and symptoms, if we are feeling ill we will let you know if we need to reschedule as soon as we can. Please be patient and understanding.

·         If we develop COVID 19 symptoms we will get tested and will follow up with anyone with which we have possibly exposed.

·         We are limiting how many clients we will see each day and working mostly on opposite schedules. This is to keep the number of people in the shop at the same time to a minimum.

·         And for the last and final time, if you don’t follow these rules YOU WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE!